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Health Blogs


12 January, 2024

Balancing Nutrition with Milestones

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The period from 6 to 24 months is a dynamic phase in a child's life, marked by rapid growth and numerous developmental milestones. Nutrition plays a pivotal role during this time, supporting physical and cognitive advancements. This article explores the intricate balance between nutrition and developmental milestones, offering insights into the nutritional needs that coincide with key stages of growth.The Dynamic Landscape of Development:The developmental milestones from 6 to 24 months encompass a wide array of skills, including motor, cognitive, and social-emotional developments. Understanding these milestones is crucial for parents as they tailor their child's nutrition to support the emerging capabilities and needs.Nutritional Needs during the First Year:The initial six months are dominated by exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding. This section will delve into the nutritional requirements during this exclusive milk-feeding phase, highlighting the critical role of breast milk or formula in meeting the baby's needs for optimal growth.Introduction of Complementary Foods and Cognitive Milestones:Around the sixth month, as babies start to sit up and show interest in solid foods, the introduction of complementary foods becomes a pivotal step. This section will explore how the introduction of textures and flavors aligns with cognitive milestones such as increased curiosity and awareness of the surrounding environment.Nutrient-Rich Foods for Cognitive Development:Cognitive development during the second half of the first year and into the second year requires specific nutrients. This part of the article will outline the importance of nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and zinc in supporting cognitive functions and offer a guide to incorporating these into the child's diet.Motor Skills and Nutritional Support:As infants progress from crawling to walking, their motor skills become more refined. Proper nutrition is essential to support the development of muscles, bones, and coordination. This section will provide insights into the nutrients crucial for motor skill development and suggest foods that provide adequate support.Speech and Language Development:The emergence of speech and language abilities is a significant milestone during this period. Nutrients such as vitamins and minerals play a role in supporting these developments. The article will discuss the link between nutrition and speech/language milestones and provide food recommendations.Social-Emotional Milestones and Nutritional Support:The social and emotional growth of a child is intertwined with their nutritional intake. This section will explore how a balanced diet contributes to emotional well-being and social interactions. It will also provide guidance on fostering positive eating habits and relationships with food.Addressing Nutritional Challenges During Milestones:The journey from 6 to 24 months may pose nutritional challenges, such as picky eating or the introduction of allergenic foods. This part of the article will offer practical solutions to address these challenges, ensuring that nutrition remains a supportive force during developmental milestones.Transition to Family Foods:As children approach the age of 2, their diet starts to resemble that of the rest of the family. This section will guide parents on the gradual transition to family foods, emphasizing the importance of continued attention to nutritional needs and preferences.Conclusion:Balancing nutrition with developmental milestones from 6 to 24 months is a dynamic and rewarding endeavor. By understanding the specific nutritional needs associated with various milestones, parents can provide the optimal support for their child's growth and development. This article aims to empower parents with knowledge, helping them navigate the intricate relationship between nutrition and milestones, fostering a healthy and thriving journey for their little ones.This article was written by:Mrs. Pooja Marathe,B.Sc Home Science, PGD Dietetics, MBA Food Management, Pediatric Nutritionist (India, UK), IYCF (India, USA), Certification in Pregnancy Nutrition (Germany), Maternity & Pediatric Nutritionist & Lactation Consultant.KIMS Cuddles, Sec-bad


12 January, 2024

Essential Nutrients for Brain Development in Infants

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The first few years of life are critical for brain development, laying the foundation for a child's cognitive abilities and future success. Nutrition plays a pivotal role during this period, providing the essential building blocks for the intricate process of brain development. In this article, we will explore the key nutrients crucial for optimal brain development in infants, understanding their roles and the impact of a well-balanced diet on cognitive growth.Omega-3 Fatty Acids:Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are fundamental for brain development. This section will delve into the importance of DHA in building neural connections and supporting overall cognitive function. We'll talk about sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such fatty fish, flaxseeds, and chia seeds, and how to include them in an infant's diet.Iron:For hemoglobin to be produced, iron is essential, which carries oxygen to the brain. This part of the article will explore the relationship between iron and cognitive development, emphasizing the increased need for iron during the first two years of life. Foods rich in iron, both heme and non-heme sources, will be highlighted, along with tips for enhancing iron absorption.Zinc:Zinc is a necessary mineral that is vital to neurotransmitter function and overall cognitive performance. This section will discuss the impact of zinc deficiency on brain development and provide insights into zinc-rich foods suitable for infants. Practical tips on combining zinc with other nutrients for optimal absorption will also be covered.Choline:Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that is derived from choline is critical for memory and learning. This part of the article will explore the significance of choline in early brain development and discuss sources such as eggs, liver, and certain vegetables. Guidance on incorporating choline into a baby's diet and potential supplementation considerations will be included.Vitamins:Several vitamins, including B vitamins and vitamin E, contribute to cognitive development. This section will break down the role of these vitamins in supporting various aspects of brain function, from energy metabolism to antioxidant protection. Food sources rich in these vitamins, such as whole grains, nuts, and leafy greens, will be explored.Proteins:Proteins are essential for the formation of neurotransmitters and the overall structure of the brain. This part of the article will discuss the importance of high-quality protein sources in an infant's diet, including breast milk or formula, as well as options like lean meats, dairy products, and plant-based proteins.Iodine:Thyroid hormones are essential for proper thyroid function, and iodine is essential for healthy brain development. This section will examine the link between iodine deficiency and cognitive impairments, emphasizing the importance of including iodine-rich foods in a child's diet. Practical tips on ensuring adequate iodine intake will also be provided.Antioxidants:Vitamins C and E are examples of antioxidants that shield the brain from inflammation and oxidative damage. This part of the article will explore how antioxidants contribute to brain health and discuss food sources such as fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Tips on creating antioxidant-rich meals for infants will be included.Breastfeeding and Brain Development:One special nutritional source that actively promotes brain growth is breast milk. This section will discuss the specific components of breast milk that contribute to cognitive growth, emphasizing the importance of exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding as complementary foods are introduced.Potential Challenges and Solutions:Addressing potential challenges in ensuring infants receive adequate nutrients for brain development is crucial. This section will discuss common challenges, such as picky eating or allergies, and provide practical solutions to overcome these obstacles while maintaining a focus on optimal nutrition.Conclusion:Ensuring proper nutrition for brain development in infants is a responsibility that yields lifelong benefits. By understanding the significance of key nutrients, parents can actively contribute to their child's cognitive growth and lay the groundwork for future learning and success. This article aims to empower parents with the knowledge needed to make informed choices, create nutrient-rich meals, and foster an environment that nurtures the developing brain of their infants.This article was written by:Mrs. Pooja Marathe,B.Sc Home Science, PGD Dietetics, MBA Food Management, Pediatric Nutritionist (India, UK), IYCF (India, USA), Certification in Pregnancy Nutrition (Germany), Maternity & Pediatric Nutritionist & Lactation Consultant.KIMS Cuddles, Sec-bad


12 January, 2024

Benefits of Homemade Baby Food

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The journey of introducing solid foods to infants is a significant milestone, and many parents find solace in preparing homemade baby food. Not only does it allow for a hands-on approach to a child's nutrition, but it also offers cost-effective and nutritious alternatives to commercially available options. In this article, we will explore the benefits of making baby food at home, delve into key nutritional considerations, and provide a variety of recipes to help parents create wholesome meals for their little ones.Benefits of Homemade Baby Food:Making baby food at home comes with a myriad of advantages. This section will discuss the benefits, including control over ingredients, customization based on the baby's needs, and the potential cost savings compared to store-bought options. Emphasizing the joy of actively participating in a child's nutritional journey, it encourages parents to embrace the process of preparing homemade baby food.Getting Started: Essential Tools and Ingredients:To embark on the homemade baby food journey, parents need a basic set of tools and ingredients. This section will outline essential equipment such as blenders or food processors and discuss key ingredients like fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Practical tips on choosing organic produce and preparing homemade baby food in batches will also be covered.Age-Appropriate Foods:As infants transition to solid foods, it's crucial to provide age-appropriate options that align with their developmental stage. This part of the article will guide parents on selecting the right foods for different age groups, ensuring that the texture and nutritional content are suitable for the baby's evolving needs.Nutritional Considerations:Homemade baby food offers an opportunity to maximize nutritional content. This section will delve into the essential nutrients for infants and how parents can incorporate them into homemade recipes. Discussions on iron-rich foods, healthy fats, and introducing a variety of flavors will be included to help parents create a well-rounded and nutritious diet.Creative and Nutrient-Rich Recipes:The heart of this article lies in providing a diverse array of recipes that cater to various taste preferences and nutritional needs. From simple fruit purees to more complex combinations of vegetables, grains, and proteins, each recipe will be accompanied by nutritional highlights and tips on preparation. This section aims to inspire parents to experiment with flavors and textures, fostering a love for wholesome foods.Avocado and Banana Mash: A nutrient-packed option rich in healthy fats and potassium.Sweet Potato and Carrot Puree: A vibrant and vitamin A-rich puree for eye health and immune support.Quinoa and Apple Cereal: An excellent source of protein and fiber for sustained energy.Spinach and Pear Blend: A iron-rich option promoting healthy blood development.Oatmeal with Blueberries and Yogurt: A delicious and calcium-rich combination for bone health.Broccoli and Cauliflower Medley: A cruciferous vegetable mix for antioxidants and immune support.Chickpea and Sweet Potato Curry: A protein and fiber-packed savory option for developing taste buds.Pumpkin and Lentil Soup: A hearty soup introducing legumes and beta-carotene.Mango and Greek Yogurt Popsicles: A refreshing and calcium-rich treat for teething infants.Brown Rice and Chicken Congee: A comforting and protein-filled congee for added texture and taste.Storage and Safety Tips:Ensuring the safety and freshness of homemade baby food is paramount. This section will provide guidance on proper storage techniques, tips for preventing contamination, and advice on introducing new foods cautiously to monitor potential allergies.Cost-Effectiveness of Homemade Baby Food:In addition to nutritional benefits, making baby food at home can be a cost-effective choice. This part of the article will break down the potential savings compared to commercial options and discuss how strategic shopping and meal planning contribute to affordability.Conclusion:Homemade baby food offers a wholesome and budget-friendly approach to nourishing infants during their transition to solid foods. By understanding the benefits, mastering age-appropriate recipes, and incorporating key nutritional considerations, parents can actively contribute to their child's growth and development. This article aims to empower parents with the knowledge and inspiration needed to embrace the journey of preparing nutritious and cost-effective homemade baby food, fostering a positive and healthy start for their little ones.This article was written by:Mrs. Pooja Marathe,B.Sc Home Science, PGD Dietetics, MBA Food Management, Pediatric Nutritionist (India, UK), IYCF (India, USA), Certification in Pregnancy Nutrition (Germany), Maternity & Pediatric Nutritionist & Lactation Consultant.KIMS Cuddles, Sec-bad


12 January, 2024

Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months

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Breastfeeding is a remarkable journey that goes beyond the initial months of a baby's life. While many mothers may choose to introduce complementary foods around six months, continuing to breastfeed beyond this point offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the advantages and considerations of breastfeeding beyond six months, addressing the nutritional, emotional, and developmental aspects of this unique and valuable relationship.The World Health Organization's Recommendations:Before delving into the benefits, it's essential to understand the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). This section will outline the WHO guidelines, which recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding alongside appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.Nutritional Benefits for the Baby:Breast milk is a dynamic and ever-changing source of nutrition. Beyond six months, it continues to provide essential nutrients crucial for the baby's growth and development. This part of the exploration will discuss the nutritional benefits of breast milk, including the ongoing supply of antibodies, vitamins, minerals, and customized nutrients that adapt to the baby's changing needs.Continued Immune System Support:One of the remarkable features of breast milk is its ability to bolster the baby's immune system. This section will delve into the antibodies, white blood cells, and other immune-boosting components present in breast milk, highlighting how continued breastfeeding beyond six months contributes to the ongoing protection against infections and illnesses.Balanced Nutrition during the Transition to Solids:As babies transition to solid foods, breast milk serves as a valuable complement. This part of the exploration will discuss how breastfeeding beyond six months supports balanced nutrition during the gradual introduction of complementary foods. It will touch upon the role of breast milk in compensating for gaps in the nutritional profile of solid foods during this transitional period.Enhanced Cognitive Development:Breast milk is not only a source of physical nourishment but also plays a role in cognitive development. This section will discuss the components in breast milk that contribute to brain development, emphasizing how continued breastfeeding beyond six months may have positive implications for cognitive abilities and intelligence.Emotional and Psychological Benefits:The emotional bond established during breastfeeding is unparalleled. Beyond six months, this bond continues to flourish, fostering a sense of security and emotional well-being for both the baby and the mother. This part of the exploration will discuss the emotional and psychological benefits, including comfort, reassurance, and the promotion of a strong mother-infant attachment.Support for Developmental Milestones:Breastfeeding beyond six months aligns with the achievement of various developmental milestones. This section will explore how the physical closeness and comfort provided by breastfeeding support the development of motor skills, speech, and social-emotional milestones. It will emphasize the importance of responsive parenting and the role of breastfeeding in meeting the baby's emotional needs.Introduction of Family Foods and Breastfeeding:As babies begin to explore family foods, breastfeeding remains a vital component of their diet. This part of the exploration will discuss how breastfeeding can support the introduction of family foods, ensuring a gradual and smooth transition to a diverse diet while maintaining a reliable source of nutrition and comfort.Considerations for the Mother:While breastfeeding offers numerous benefits, it's essential to consider the mother's well-being as well. This section will address considerations such as maternal nutritional needs, the impact on fertility, and the balance between breastfeeding and maternal responsibilities or employment. Practical tips for managing extended breastfeeding will also be discussed.Weaning at the Child's Pace:Weaning is a gradual and individualized process. This part of the exploration will emphasize the importance of weaning at the child's pace, respecting their cues and preferences. It will discuss the gradual reduction of breastfeeding sessions and the introduction of alternative sources of nutrition as the child becomes more independent.Cultural and Societal Perspectives on Extended Breastfeeding:Breastfeeding practices vary across cultures, and societal attitudes may influence mothers' decisions regarding extended breastfeeding. This section will explore cultural perspectives on extended breastfeeding, addressing common misconceptions and offering insights into how societal support can impact a mother's breastfeeding journey.Addressing Common Concerns and Misconceptions:Extended breastfeeding may be met with various concerns and misconceptions. This part of the exploration will address common issues, such as concerns about tooth decay, nutritional adequacy, and social perceptions. Evidence-based information will be provided to help parents make informed decisions.Conclusion:Breastfeeding beyond six months is a multifaceted and deeply rewarding experience for both the baby and the mother. This comprehensive exploration has highlighted the myriad benefits, from ongoing nutritional support to enhanced emotional bonding and cognitive development. By understanding the unique contributions of breast milk beyond the first six months and considering individual circumstances, mothers can make informed decisions that align with the well-being of both themselves and their infants. This guide aims to empower mothers with knowledge, support, and a deeper appreciation for the continued journey of breastfeeding.This article was written by:Mrs. Pooja Marathe,B.Sc Home Science, PGD Dietetics, MBA Food Management, Pediatric Nutritionist (India, UK), IYCF (India, USA), Certification in Pregnancy Nutrition (Germany), Maternity & Pediatric Nutritionist & Lactation Consultant.KIMS Cuddles, Sec-bad


12 January, 2024

Allergies and Intolerances in Babies

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As babies embark on their journey of solid food introduction after 6 months, parents often encounter the complexities of allergies and intolerances when new foods are introduced with the hope of acceptance of the fresh food. The child may accept it, throw it out, or spit it if they do not like it. They may also show some discomfort, which could be signs that make it difficult for the mother to understand the acceptance and taste of it. Mothers understand the signs of acceptance and discomfort, and understanding the difference between the two makes it easy for the mother to need to see a doctor because these conditions are different for the well-being of the infant.What are Allergies and Intolerances:We need to start observing the between allergies and intolerances is essential for accurate recognition and management for the child of various age groups. Many parents find it difficult to know the difference between the two as they look quite similar. Immune-mediated food allergies and non-immune-mediated intolerances are examples of adverse food reactions. Nevertheless, there is frequently confusion regarding this distinction and the participation of several pathogenetic pathways. Additionally, there is a mismatch in the real versus perceived prevalence of immune-mediated food allergies as well as extremely common non-immune food reactions. There is a chance that a careless approach to accurately identifying them will result in improper diets that are severely deficient in nutrients.Understanding Signs and Symptoms:We need to recognize that allergies and intolerances rely on observing a few baby signs and symptoms. The common signs and symptoms noticed areSkin reactions (eczema, hives)Gastrointestinal issues (diarrhea, vomiting)Respiratory problems (coughing, wheezing)Behavioral changesFood Intolerance( special dislike for peanuts and vegetables)Common Allergens and Triggers:Certain foods are more likely to trigger allergic reactions in infants from 6 months onwards. These could be found on examination with a routine prescribed investigation. The most common allergens are found to be milk, eggs, peanuts, nuts, soy, wheat, fish, and shellfish. The mother could also observe the foods for triggering factors and where she can note this. She can tell the primary care given upon the visit what foods trigger the above-stated signs and symptoms or if she notices anything different.Lactose Intolerance in Babies:Lactose intolerance is a common form of intolerance, particularly as babies transition to dairy-based foods. Lactose tolerance can be identified during breastfeeding issues when the babies become extremely fussy during feeding and experience vomiting and loose motion, which could be one of the early signs and symptoms of identification. Lactose tolerance can be settled for a few days if the mother excludes dairy from her diet, but still, if this pertains, then investigation prescribed by the neonatologist will help in the identification of the intolerance in detail.Diagnostic Approaches:When allergies or intolerances are suspected, diagnostic approaches become crucial and need to be treated as the top most priority.. Various methods, including skin prick tests, blood tests, and elimination diets, highlighting their benefits and limitations. The results of the test take a longer time. These are special tests run in the labs, which can be costly, but they will help to save the life of a child in the journey. These tests are costly in India and have been performed by special labs which produce accurate results leading to rear findings which can be recorded.Managing Allergies and Intolerances:Once allergies or intolerances are confirmed, managing becomes key to ensure the baby's health and well-being. The allergens which have been identified can be excluded from the foods of the baby. We also need to ensure we adequately educate the parents in reading good labels, warning signs, and a list of ingredients.Parents can effectively manage food allergies and may adhere to a different food choice.Introduction of Solid Foods and Allergenic Foods:The timing and method of introducing solid foods at the age of 6 months can impact the development of the child, and also there can be nutritional deficits. Talking to a nutritionist will help the parents identify which nutrient is lacking by the child in their growth and development and that will be beneficial for the child to not have any compromised health.Breastfeeding and Allergy Prevention:Breastfeeding in allergy prevention is a crucial aspect of managing allergies in babies. Breastfeeding plays a crucial role in allergy prevention for infants. Breast milk contains antibodies such as IgA and IgE and protein based nutrients that strengthen the baby's immune system, reducing the risk of allergies. Exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months is recommended to provide optimal protection against allergic reactions and promote overall health; however, if kids are found to have allergies in the first 6 months, then they are advised special formulas that will help them prevent these allergies.Managing Emotional Aspects:Managing emotional aspects in food allergies involves open communication with family and near ones. This helps to educate oneself and others and practice empathy. Coping with anxiety or fear requires strong support from family and friends, emphasizing safe food environments, and cultivating resilience. The Emotional challenges associated with food allergies enhance the overall well-being of individuals, and community work brings in a lot of love and faith, which helps the family to grow.Allergies and Intolerances: A Lifelong JourneyAllergies and intolerances create a lifelong journey of navigating dietary choices that need to be altered by age and situation. Parenst need to foster constant check with feedback, education, and adaptability to become helpful if they see a parent require any support..Managing symptoms, seeking medical guidance, and fostering understanding in social gatherings are ongoing aspects of life and can't be avoided. Despite these challenges, we must embrace a proactive and informed approach, ensuring a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle.Conclusion:In conclusion, we must understand that child food allergies require a multifaceted approach encompassing education, communication, and follow-up management. Empathy and understanding from doctors, educators, and parents play a pivotal role. Children with food allergies can thrive With well-informed strategies, a supportive environment, and a community, ensuring a healthy and inclusive upbringing.This article was written by:Mrs. Pooja Marathe,B.Sc Home Science, PGD Dietetics, MBA Food Management, Pediatric Nutritionist (India, UK), IYCF (India, USA), Certification in Pregnancy Nutrition (Germany), Maternity & Pediatric Nutritionist & Lactation Consultant.KIMS Cuddles, Sec-bad


23 December, 2022

Three Surprising Causes of Infant Weight Loss

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A Baby’s weight during their growth plays a significant role. It helps us track their development and growth. It is like a direct indicator of their healthy upbringing. Then, what if you notice your baby is underweight or losing weight. Do not panic; it is not very dangerous. However, it is still not a great sign to consider.  It is good to know the reasons behind infant weight loss. We might do some of these on a regular basis without knowing the fact how harmful they are for your kids. Check out these three surprising causes of infant weight loss.  Bathing the baby soon after feeding A lot of parents think that a full stomach will keep the baby put during the bath. Maybe, babies might feel drowsy and do not make much noise, but this daily will affect their metabolism. When an infant is fed, the food takes time to digest, just as it does in any adult’s body. Now, bathing the baby cools down the body and slows down the metabolism rate. This causes late digestion, indigestion and gas issues in the tiny ones.  Having longer gaps between the meals  You might have already observed how less your little ones consume at a time. Yes, their little stomachs cannot fit in more. But, their growing body requires more food. Thus, we need to feed them more. Long spans of time between meals trigger gas in toddlers. This gas will bloat their stomach for hours, leaving them uncomfortable, which in turn leads to rejection of food.  Giving liquids or breastfeeds before actual meals  For babies older than six months, supplying solid food is an important part of nutrition. Giving breastfeeds, water or any liquids before actual meals will occupy their tiny stomachs. Thus, avoid the food that is provided which has more nutritional value. Baby meals must be adequately planned, and you should take some extra care about timing.  Do not worry about your baby’s weight if you are following the above three measures. If that’s not the case, think of it and monitor your baby’s weight and metabolism levels. Consult a paediatrician or doctor for better tips and tracking measures of your baby’s growth!! *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision. 


24 January, 2022

Baby’s First Year – Feeding Schedule and Nutrition Tips

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You’ve happily clicked a snap of your little munchkin eating messily! That’s great, but now are you worried about how to provide the best nutrition to your baby in the first year? Fret not, here’s a guide on the feeding schedule for baby in the first year. Keeping in mind the fact that different infants require a different amount of nutrition, the nutrition you provide to your infant depends on his or her age, appetite, and body weight. So let’s have a glance at the healthy food for baby according to their age in the first year of birth. Newborns. As you must know, infants should receive the nutrition and calories only through breast milk or formula.  So let’s know the feeding schedule for baby with both these items. Breast milk According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, an infant should drink one to two ounces of breast milk per feeding. However, once your baby is at least two weeks old, the amount of this quantity will amplify to two to three ounces.  Generally, you need to feed breast milk to your newborn every two to three hours ass it proves to be a healthy food for baby. Formula. If you’re opting to include a formula in the feeding schedule for baby, then make sure to provide two to three Oz per feeding. Additionally, you need to remember that the infants take up formula every three to four hours. Once your baby grows, gradually the amount of this liquid even increases. According to an associate professor of general pediatrics in the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, you should provide 2.5 ounces of formula per pound of your baby’s weight. 1-3 months old babies. The feeding schedule for baby gradually heightens as he or she enters the three months of age threshold. During this period, the baby will become more vocal when his or her appetite increases. The healthy food for baby during this period is also either breast milk or formula. According to the American Academy of Paediatrics, a two-month-old baby can consume four to five Oz of breast milk or formula every three to four hours. Four to six months old. When the babies reach five to six months of age, they tend to start eating solids. Some of the indicators showing that your infant may now be ready to take in solids include their grabbing skills and head and neck control.  So during this duration, you can aim at providing one to two tablespoons of food to your child twice a day. However, make sure not to substitute solid food with milk completely. The American Academy of Paediatrics suggests including some 8 ounces per feeding every four to five hours once your baby is six months old. 6-9 months old. Healthy food for baby when he or she is 6 to 9 months old includes both milk and solid items. However, during this period, the major calories should still come from breast milk or formula. Generally, you may aim at feeding up to two meals to your child that include two to four tablespoons each. You can introduce solid items to your child during this period that include single-grain baby cereals, pureed fruits, vegetables or meats. At the same time, when breastfeeding, make sure not to cross the limit of 32 ounces of formula per day. 9 to 12 months old Once your baby enters this age threshold, the feeding schedule for baby should provide half the calories from food and half from breast milk or formula.  Generally, babies even like to play with their food and explore their tastes during this period. So you can even consider adding yogurt, or an additional dip with their whole-grain crackers or food items. So now you can create a feeding schedule for baby that includes healthy food for baby. *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision. 


21 January, 2022

What is a Neonatal Care Specialist and What’s Their Job Description?

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Once a baby enters into this world, he or she needs to be taken care of. The transition of the baby from the womb to the outside world is made smoother with the efficacious services of a neonatal care specialist. A neonatologist or a Neonatal Care Specialist is a physician who provides care for newborns, especially infants that are born prematurely and have different health issues. Due to this, the services of a Neonatal care specialist are hired by different Community hospitals, University Medical centers, and other children’s hospitals. Now let’s have a peek at the job description and the qualifications or education required to become a Neonatal care specialist.  Education of a Neonatal care specialist  What is a Neonatal doctor? A Neonatal doctor or a neonatologist is a physician responsible to maintain the proper nutrition of a newborn. To practice the profession of a neonatal care specialist, you need to acquire a demanding educational path. This means you have to procure your undergraduate degree and then spend four years in a medical school. Once medical school is done, a neonatologist spends another three years in residency in general pediatrics.  When your education is completed, you need to obtain general certification from the American Board of Paediatrics. This requires you to pass certain education requirements along with the certification exam. Once done, you are ready to practice the different job roles and responsibilities of a neonatologist. Job description and responsibilities of a neonatal care specialist. The basic job role and responsibility of a Neonatal care specialist is to ensure that the newborn receives proper nutrition and is taken care of to the best extent. For this, the neonatologist might consult the parents, paediatricians and other healthcare providers of the infant.  In normal circumstances, most pediatrics have enough experience and education to provide nutrition and care to infants. However, in the cases where a baby is born prematurely or has several other health issues,  the services of a neonatal care specialist are to be hired. These physicians work in Intensive care units and are responsible to diagnose several conditions in the infants after their birth. They are responsible to treat infections, birth defects and breathing problems in premature babies by coordinating with their healthcare providers. Sometimes when the medical issues of the baby are known in advance, the neonatal care specialist may even be present during labour. Or, he or she may arrive just after birth for a short-term follow up care of the infant before passing the child to the pediatrician. Working conditions of a neonatologist  Just like other doctors, the working conditions of a fetal treatment specialist require working for long hours. They may even be called during the weekends and evenings and spend most of the time standing or walking. Additionally, the neonatal care specialists often get emotionally connected with their patients and hence may spend additional time with them.


06 January, 2022

Skin Care Advice And Protecting Your Baby’s Skin

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Once you have brought your newborn home, the most important thing on your list should be to keep him or her warm and nourished. Knowing skin care tips for babies is crucial because newborn skin is delicate and it requires special care. Besides the normal rashes, different fragrances, chemicals or even detergents and baby products can cause irritation, allergies, dryness and chap on your infant’s skin. But if you know the right skin protection tips, you can save your baby from all such issues. So let’s have a glance at the skin care tips for babies that will help you to protect your babies skin.  Natural skin care advice for babies A newborn baby has a natural baby skin defensive mechanism with wrinkly skin and the protective covering known as vernix. This skin layer naturally peels off in the initial first week of the baby. So you need to make sure not to invade this natural process by rubbing or treating their baby’s skin, with creams and lotions in the initial first week. However, in case your child is born past the due date, then the naturally peeling off process is likely to be already finished while they are inside the womb. Skin care tips for babies. Besides not invading with the natural skin defensive mechanism of the babies, certain other skin protection tips for your newborns are explained below. The most crucial thing which you should remember before practising any skin care tips for babies is that in the case of newborns and infants, ‘less is more’. Do not commit the mistake of bathing your baby frequently. By frequently, here we mean not to bathe your baby more than three times in a single week during the first year of your baby’s life. In case you frequently bathe your baby, you are only depriving his/her skin of natural oils. Not only this, but frequent bathing can even lead to dry skin or sometimes amplify eczema. So this is one of the most crucial skin protection tips to remember for your infant. Instead of bathing, you can conduct a sponge bath two to three times a week. This is because generally, the newborns don’t get very dirty except for the diaper changes or droolings. Since they are not working, playing or working out, they are generally clean. Between the sponge baths, you can simply clean your baby’s diaper area and mouth with a cleanser or little water. Make sure not to use Scented baby products on your baby’s skin during the early months. You never know which product or ingredient can prove to be harmful or allergic to your infant’s skin. It is quite essential to wash your baby’s clothes before they are worn. However, while washing, make sure to use a baby laundry detergent that is free from any dyes or fragrances. Due to the same reason, it is advised not to wash your baby’s clothes, blanket or bedding with your family’s clothes. Another alternative here can be to use the same baby laundry detergent for the entire family. To evade the problems of eczema or dry skin on your baby, you should prefer soft clothing, like cotton. In order to avoid diaper rashes, check your baby’s diaper frequently and change them if they are wet or soiled. You should avoid using baby wipes and instead use a soft cloth. The reason behind this is that some of the wipes have alcohol or perfumes in them that can further irritate your child’s skin and cause rashness. So these are some of the important skin care tips for babies that you should follow. *Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before making any decision.


23 November, 2021

Newborn Sleep

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Newborn Sleep  Sleep patterns in newborn babies is different from that of children in that they usually sleep for most of the time in a day. Often this will be hard for the new parents to know what normal sleep pattern of their newborn baby is and how long a baby will sleep. How are sleep patterns in newborn? Newborn baby sleep for most of the time in a 24hour period and wakes up in between for feeding every few hours. There will not be any fixed schedule for the newborn sleep and their day and nights are little confusing. Most of the newborn babies sleep for about 16 to 18hours duration in a 24hour period. They sleep mostly in the day time and will be awake during night time. This could be probably due to sleep pattern during the stay in their mother’s womb. They usually start to learn the day and night rhythm by about 6 to 8weeks of age. But the sleep patterns can vary and some babies may not sleep during night time through their initial few months. Newborn baby will wake up for feeds atleast once in every 2 to 3 hours. Parents need to closely watch for the changes that happen in the sleep patterns of the newborn as their sleep duration will gradually decrease and awake period increases through their first year of life. How can we identify the sleep readiness of the newborn baby? The following signs can help you to know the readiness for sleep. Fussiness Excessive Yawning Not interested in the surroundings Redness of the eyes What are the different alert phases in a newborn? Newborns also differ in their alertness as well. Quiet & alert phase: Phase where the baby is awake, not crying, calm and interested in the surrounding. Active & alert phase: Phase where the baby is active and attentive to sounds. Crying phase: This follows active and alert phase. Baby can be easily over stimulated, and cries out loudly. Baby can be held and swaddled to calm down. How can you help the baby to fall asleep? When the newborn baby shows signs of sleep readiness, they can be held in your arms, make the environment comfortable, calm and quiet. Swaddling also help them to feel safe and help in falling asleep.  What sleep positions are best for a baby? Putting the baby on his or her back is safest. Prone position (placing baby on tummy) and side sleeping positions has an increased risk of sudden infant death (SIDS) as per research. What are the things to keep in mind while making a newborn sleep? As per American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) recommendations on infant bedding: Baby should be placed on his or her back on a firm surface Avoid pillows, soft toys, comforters in the baby’s bed Tuck a thin blanket only upto baby’s chest Baby’s face should remain uncovered.

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