18 June, 2018

Myths and Truths about Vaccines

Vaccination or immunization is one of the most effective ways to keep your child healthy. Vaccines are very safe and there are rarely any reasons to not get vaccinated. However, a study from the University of Michigan found that 93 percent of pediatricians had at least one parent who refused a vaccination for their child during the past year. Despite all its benefits, there are a lot of myths regarding the risk vaccines possess.

Here are some myths and truths about vaccines:

Myth 1: Vaccination can affect the child’s immune system

Truth: Thanks to the recommended immunization schedule, your child may receive up to 23 shots by the time she’s 2 years old and as many as six shots at a single visit. This may lead to the parents being concerned about how vaccines may affect their child’s developing immunity and cite these as a reason to refuse a vaccine. It is important for parents to know that it is perfectly safe to give your child simultaneous vaccines or vaccine combinations to prevent against diseases such as hepatitis B, polio, tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis etc.

Myth 2: Kids with immature Immune System don’t need Vaccines

Truth: This is the biggest mistake anyone can make. Even kids with less developed immune system need to be vaccinated. Delaying or avoiding vaccination leads to susceptibility to diseases like vaccines. Delaying MMR by even three months can increase the risk of febrile seizures. There is no proof that spacing out vaccines is safer, and going by the vaccine schedule provides the best possible protection.

Myth 3: Vaccination Causes autism and other Disorders

Truth: There are a lot of concerns about the link between a combination vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella – called the MMR vaccine – and the developmental disorder autism. However, this myth has been debunked and discredited. The notion has persisted because autism tends to emerge or is found around the time that the vaccine is given. Experts have stressed that the vaccine is not the cause behind this problem. There is no evidence to support this myth.

Myth 4: The Side effects of Vaccines are worse than the disease itself

Truth: Although mild and moderate side effects, such as febrile seizure and high fever are common, serious side effects of vaccines are far rarer. It is important to remember that it takes 10 to 15 years, and several studies for new vaccines to make it through all four phases of safety-and-effectiveness testing, before they get approved. Each new vaccine intended for children is first tested in adults, and then in children. It goes through a rigorous process and the chance of vaccines causing deadly side effects is almost unheard of.

It is better not to take chances and avoid giving into myths for the health and safety of your child. If you have any questions regarding vaccination and immunization, get in touch with our experts at KIMS Cuddles to know more.

*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.


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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Homemade Baby Food

The journey of introducing solid foods to infants is a significant milestone, and many parents find solace in preparing homemade baby food. Not only does it allow for a hands-on approach to a child's nutrition, but it also offers cost-effective and nutritious alternatives to commercially available options. In this article, we will explore the benefits of making baby food at home, delve into key nutritional considerations, and provide a variety of recipes to help parents create wholesome meals for their little ones.Benefits of Homemade Baby Food:Making baby food at home comes with a myriad of advantages. This section will discuss the benefits, including control over ingredients, customization based on the baby's needs, and the potential cost savings compared to store-bought options. Emphasizing the joy of actively participating in a child's nutritional journey, it encourages parents to embrace the process of preparing homemade baby food.Getting Started: Essential Tools and Ingredients:To embark on the homemade baby food journey, parents need a basic set of tools and ingredients. This section will outline essential equipment such as blenders or food processors and discuss key ingredients like fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Practical tips on choosing organic produce and preparing homemade baby
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12 January, 2024

Essential Nutrients for Brain Development in Infants

The first few years of life are critical for brain development, laying the foundation for a child's cognitive abilities and future success. Nutrition plays a pivotal role during this period, providing the essential building blocks for the intricate process of brain development. In this article, we will explore the key nutrients crucial for optimal brain development in infants, understanding their roles and the impact of a well-balanced diet on cognitive growth.Omega-3 Fatty Acids:Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are fundamental for brain development. This section will delve into the importance of DHA in building neural connections and supporting overall cognitive function. We'll talk about sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such fatty fish, flaxseeds, and chia seeds, and how to include them in an infant's diet.Iron:For hemoglobin to be produced, iron is essential, which carries oxygen to the brain. This part of the article will explore the relationship between iron and cognitive development, emphasizing the increased need for iron during the first two years of life. Foods rich in iron, both heme and non-heme sources, will be highlighted, along with tips for enhancing iron absorption.Zinc:Zinc is a
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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months

Breastfeeding is a remarkable journey that goes beyond the initial months of a baby's life. While many mothers may choose to introduce complementary foods around six months, continuing to breastfeed beyond this point offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the advantages and considerations of breastfeeding beyond six months, addressing the nutritional, emotional, and developmental aspects of this unique and valuable relationship.The World Health Organization's Recommendations:Before delving into the benefits, it's essential to understand the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). This section will outline the WHO guidelines, which recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding alongside appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.Nutritional Benefits for the Baby:Breast milk is a dynamic and ever-changing source of nutrition. Beyond six months, it continues to provide essential nutrients crucial for the baby's growth and development. This part of the exploration will discuss the nutritional benefits of breast milk, including the ongoing supply of antibodies, vitamins, minerals, and customized nutrients that adapt to the baby's changing needs.Continued Immune System Support:
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