Pelvic pain or discomfort is common during pregnancy. Due to the ligaments stretching and changing hormone levels, and shifting organs to make room for your growing uterus, there may be pelvic pain. Sometimes, the pain may be a red flag for something more serious. Here is what you should know about pelvic pain during pregnancy.
Accommodation Pain
From 8 to 12 weeks of pregnancy, you may experience cramp-like pain that feels like your period is coming on. As long as there’s no bleeding, it’s probably just your uterus expanding. You’re less likely to feel this in your first pregnancy than in subsequent ones.
Ovarian Cysts
Functional ovarian cysts, which form due to changes in the way your ovaries may or release eggs, are very common, noncancerous and generally harmless. They can grow larger during pregnancy, and the pressure that your growing uterus puts on your ovaries can cause persistent pain. If the pain gets worse, it is better to see your doctor.
Round Ligament Pain
As you start your second trimester, you may begin to feel pain in your side as the ligament that goes from the top of the uterus and down to the groin starts stretching. Women tend to feel this when they’re walking or getting up from a chair. Lying down on the side that’s bothering you can make the pain disappear – and it should disappear for good by about 24 weeks.
Apart from these, pelvic pain during pregnancy may be due to various other reasons such as:
- Pressure from your baby’s weight
- Braxton Hicks Contraction
- Relaxed Pelvic Joints
- Constipation
- Urinary Tract Infection
How to ease the Pain
For normal pelvic discomfort, try the following:
- Take a warm bath or stand in the shower and let the water hit your back.
- Try a pelvic support garment which can keep the uterus from pushing down your pelvis.
- Wear low-heeled shoes with good arch support.
- Try to avoid quick movements and sharp turns at the waist.
- Get a prenatal massage.
- Exercise regularly – it could help prevent pain in the first place.
When to Worry
Some women develop serious complications during pregnancy that cause different types of pain. If you have pelvic pain that’s coupled with certain symptoms, such as fever and bleeding, be sure to call your doctor right away. Here are the more serious causes of pelvic pain during pregnancy.
- Miscarriage
- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Preterm Labor
- Preeclampsia
- Placental Abruption
- Uterine Fibroid
- Uterine Rupture
Call your doctor right away when you feel something’s wrong. Don’t ignore if you have any of these signs:
- Pelvic pain that you can’t walk or talk through
- Any bleeding
- Fever and/or chills
- Severe headache
- Dizziness
- Sudden swelling of the face, hands, and/or feet
- Persistent nausea and/or vomiting
- Less than 10 fetal kicks in one hour, from 28 weeks until delivery
- More than four contractions in an hour for two hours
- Watery, greenish, or bloody discharge
For any guidance, our team at KIMS Cuddles is always available for you.
*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.