16 July, 2019

Know more about Laparoscopy for Infertility treatment

If you’ve been trying to conceive for over a year (if you are under 35) and over 6 months (if you are over 35), chances are you may be having some fertility problems. There are many options available to treat infertility, and laparoscopy is one of them. Here is everything that you wanted to know about laparoscopy.

What is a Laparoscopy?

Laparoscopy is an invasive method that is used to diagnose and treat the problem of infertility. In this surgical procedure, your doctor may make two to three incisions in your abdominal region. After this, a laparoscope is used for this process. It is a very thin surgical instrument that has a camera and light fitted on it. This helps the doctor identify and, potentially, correct the problem. Sometimes, doctors may need to make bigger incisions for the surgery which require a longer recovery period, which means you might have to stay in the hospital for just a bit longer.

When is Laparoscopy needed?

Once your doctor has tried other non-invasive fertility methods without success, he may recommend laparoscopy if others have not worked out. Here are some reasons why you may need laparoscopy for infertility:

  • If your doctor establishes an ectopic pregnancy.
  • If your doctor suspects pelvic adhesions or Pelvic inflammatory Disease.
  • If your doctor diagnoses moderate or severe endometriosis.
  • If you experience pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • If you experience severe pain and cramps during your menstruation.

Apart from this, your doctor may recommend laparoscopic surgery if you have any of the following fertility issues.

  • If you have PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome.
  • If you have a fibroid that causes intense pain or blockage in the fallopian tubes.
  • If you have ovarian cysts that are blocking the fallopian tubes and causing severe pain.
  • In case endometrial deposits are the cause of infertility, your doctor may recommend removing them.
  • If your doctor suspects hydrosalpinx – a condition where the fallopian tube has developed a specific kind of blockage.
  • If your fallopian tubes are blocked.

It is important to know that success rate for laparoscopy in treating infertility vary greatly. Our doctors at KIMS Cuddles will help you understand the benefits of laparoscopy surgery in detail.

Benefits of Laparoscopy for infertility

Here are some of the benefits of laparoscopy for infertility:

  • Certain infertility defects can only be established through laparoscopy.
  • It helps the doctor take a comprehensive and detailed look inside your abdominal region to identify various issues that may be causing infertility.
  • A laparoscopy is also effective in treating some causes of infertility, which may increase your chances of getting pregnant by natural means or by other infertility treatment options.
  • It helps in removing pelvic pain and discomfort.
  • It also helps in removal of endometrial deposits, scar tissue, and fibroids. 
  • This surgical method is less invasion when compared to open surgery, which means less pain, lower blood loss, smaller incisions, and faster recovery.


Laparoscopy Procedure

If you need to undergo a laparoscopy procedure, your doctor will tell you about it in detail. You may have to fast for at least 8 to 10 hours before the surgery, which will be performed under general anaesthesia. Before the procedure begins, you will be put on an IV through which various medicines will get administered.

As soon as your anaesthesia takes effect, your doctor will begin with the procedure. A number of small incisions will be made in your abdominal region and carbon dioxide is pumped in the incision to create space for insertion of the laparoscope. The doctor will insert the laparoscope to look at your pelvic organs, and may also want to check abdominal organs. In some cases, your doctor may extract some tissue for a biopsy. He may look for scar tissues, cysts, fibroids or endometrial deposits. Your reproductive organs will be observed internally to detect abnormalities or defects. Your doctor may also inject some dye from the cervix to check for any kind of blockages in the fallopian tubes. They may also be examined to rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

Recovery time for Laparoscopic surgery for Infertility

After your surgery, if there are no complications involved, you are likely to get discharged the same day. Your doctor will recommend rest for at least two to three days. It may take you a couple of weeks to recover completely. You will also be given various medicines for a speedy recovery, which may include antibiotics and painkillers. During the time of recovery, seek immediate help if you experience any of these:

  • Pus or intense pain at the site of the incision.
  • Fever, which is 101 or higher.
  • Severe abdominal pain and discomfort.

Are there any Risks?

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure and involves the same amount of risks and side-effects as with any similar procedure. On average, about 1 in 100 women may develop a complication after laparoscopy, which includes:

  • Irritation of skin at the incision site
  • Bladder infection
  • Adhesions
  • Infection at incision site
  • Occurrence of hematomas in the abdominal walls

When you meet our team at KIMS Cuddles for laparoscopic surgery, they will explain the entire procedure in detail and take all the steps needed to minimize the risks associated with this surgery.

Laparoscopy procedure rarely impacts your ability to conceive and usually causes no hindrance in getting pregnant. In some cases, this procedure may even increase your chances of conception. It is a safe option to consider when you’re having trouble conceiving. Once the procedure is over, your doctor will discuss your chances of getting pregnant naturally and through other options as well. Be rest assured that at KIMS Cuddles, we have the best team of gynecologists and surgeons who will guide you through the entire procedure to ensure you’re comfortable throughout.

*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.


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12 January, 2024

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12 January, 2024

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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months

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