Your dental hygiene can make all the difference in your chances of conceiving. According to research, dental health may impact how long it takes a woman to get pregnant. It affects men too – gum disease and tooth decay may cause poor semen and sperm health.
During pregnancy, poor oral health can increase your risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm labor, and having low birth weight baby. Let’s take a look at how dental hygiene affects fertility:
Sperm Count and Dental Hygiene
Studies have found that men with poor oral health are more likely to face male factor infertility when compared to men with normal sperm health. Low sperm count, poor sperm motility, and bacterial infection in the semen may be caused due to various dental and oral health problems. Some studies also noted that treating cavities and infections lead to improvement in semen health.
Female Fertility and Dental Hygiene
Scientists are increasingly beginning to look at how female fertility may be impacted by oral health. A study of pregnant women found that those with periodontal diseases experienced more difficulty in conceiving. On an average, women with dental problems took 7 months to get pregnant as compared to 5 months for those who had good oral hygiene.
Ways to Improve your dental health and fertility
Whether your dental hygiene plays a big role on your fertility or not, it is still important to take care of your oral health. Your risk of developing periodontal diseases depends on several factors, such as genetics, general health habits, presence of other diseases etc. While you can’t do much about genetics, taking care of your oral hygiene habits can prove beneficial. Here are some ways to improve your dental health and fertility:
- Get dental cleaning done regularly. They help maintain healthy gums and oral health.
- Visit a dentist to get a comprehensive review of your gum health.
- Get cavities treated. If your dentist finds evidence of tooth decay, don’t delay in taking care of things.
- Brush your teeth twice a day.
- Floss regularly for healthy gums.
- Rinse with water after you eat. This will help reduce your risk for cavities.
- Quit smoking as it increases your risk of developing periodontal diseases.
Some research has found that deep dental cleaning can cause a temporary increase in immunological activity. Many researchers believe that this could negatively impact fertility treatment success. Therefore, they advise you to schedule fertility treatments at least a few weeks after deep dental cleaning.
To know more about the relationship between dental health and fertility, see our experts at KIMS Cuddles.
*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.