12 August, 2019

Fetal Development during Different Pregnancy Stages

In theory, how life comes into being is a race story. Out of millions, one sperm has to win the race of meeting the egg to fertilize it where begins the union of father’s and mother’s genes, that what the 9th standard biology book tells us. But what happens after is really an incredible journey every woman longs to feel in life. The journey of 40 weeks when the mother finally gets to meet the unique new-born she created out of her own flesh and blood is worth describing. Though there are no words that can describe the feeling we can have a peek at the miraculous changing of a ball of cells to a fully formed human being. So let’s begin the journey,

The Pregnancy Kit Show Positive!

Begin of a new life be it a planned or a sudden one. In that one minute of the nerve-wracking wait, millions of ‘What If’s’ pop up in the mind of would-be mothers. It is that moment every woman want to experience. The first memory of finding out is relieved by the mother with the comical actions intact throughout the life.

The Embryo Is Two Months Now – Feel the Life Within

By now there is a rapid cell division of the egg which floats down to the uterus through the fallopian tube. Within eight days, these divided cells form a ball and stick to the uterus wall, and will nestle there for the coming nine months. In the next five weeks the ball develops into a tucked in a tube like a thing, one end will be the head and the other will be the baby bum. Then gradually the spinal cord develops and finally comes the placenta and umbilical cord, your unborn baby’s lifelines. On the eighth week, the embryo would look like a tadpole even having a tail, don’t worry it will gradually disappear as your baby grows. The amniotic sac of your uterus keeps the baby floating cushioning him protecting him. At this stage, the embryo will only be half an inch long with a beating heart and forming limbs toes and fingers. At this stage, though nothing can be seen even by ultrasound except a tiny dot, the mother experiences an unmatched feeling of joy, a sense of fulfillment to cherish.

The Third Trimester- Meet Your Baby for the First Time

The baby now has a complete set of tiny very cute organs that have just begun functioning; the doctor will now call it a fetus. The umbilical cord by now become thick and strong as it is food to and waste from the fetus. The muscles and soft, rubbery bones start growing supporting the organs. If one could see inside the womb, the tine organs could be seen through the transparent skin of the baby. The first picture of the baby can be seen with the ultrasound, though it is not the clearest picture of all, it is undoubtedly the most beautiful and magical picture, that slowly turns a woman into mother.

The Fourth Month – A Tutu Dress or Football Shorts?

The external part of the genitals grow by now, with facial features like teeth and gums and it can be known if it’s a baby girl or a boy. By now mothers start designing the baby’s nursery as the senses of the baby start awakening. The baby will respond to light and will start listening to the sounds in and out of the womb. His mother’s voice, heartbeat, and snarling stomach become familiar to him and reassures him every time he hears it. It is this time that the mother promises her child her arms around him till her last breathe.

You Step In the Fifth Month – Let the World Know It

The baby is growing and the mother develops a baby bump. She can now literally feel the baby floating in her stomach, feeling like butterflies in stomach both physically and mentally. The baby kicks, curl his toes, frown, or purse his lips or even get hiccups. The baby develops reflex by now and if the hand floats to his mouth, he will suck it. All inside the womb, a life will be growing inch by inch, and she feels it, nothing in life will be as blissful as it.

The Second Trimester – Baby Feels the Mother

The baby will be by now a little more than palm, a miniature human with wrinkly and hairy skin, with a coating of vernix. The baby now can hear loud and clear and loud sounds outside might startle him. He will have a strong heartbeat and with the lungs on the way to start their functioning. The baby is fully responsive at this stage and if he poked accidentally he might give a push back. The mother can start talking to her kid, telling stories, humming songs to him. The mother has to be very positive now, feel happy, and make others happy as the baby starts taking vibrations from her.

Your Baby Is Now Seven Months Old- Happiness Even In Pain

Baby is now big enough and the womb gets a bit cramped for him, for he will kick and push for space. Mummy has to endure a lot of pain but she does not let up now. Mother starts naming her child, and her nursery is almost complete by now. She joins exercise classes at this stage preparing up for the coming of the baby. The baby is only two months due showing a daily pattern of activity and rest.

The Celebration of Coming

The mother enjoys all the celebration for the newbie, as for the next couple of years. There will be the baby shower, all about the mother and her baby. Though she will be tired and sleepy most of the time, still she, the feel of life inside her keeps her playful all the time.

The Final Days and the Countdown Begins

Every woman longs for being a mother, the most transformative experiences lifelong, which she cherishes till her last breath. By the completion of eighth and start of ninth, the eyelids open and the pupil becomes more responsive to light. Your baby is getting ready for the coming-out party and your 40 weeks wait is almost over. Your baby will take the position, heads down facing your back, so make the way!


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28 August, 2024

Trimester Talk - Stages of Pregnancy

What to Expect in Each Stage of PregnancyPregnancy is a transforming experience that involves both physical and emotional changes. Understanding what to expect in each trimester can help you navigate this exciting time with confidence. This guide breaks down the key changes you may experience during each stage of pregnancy.First Trimester: Weeks 1-12Physical ChangesDuring the first trimester, your body undergoes rapid changes as it begins to support the growing fetus. Common physical symptoms include:Nausea and Vomiting: This is commonly known as morning sickness and it can occur at any time of day.Fatigue: Hormonal changes can leave you feeling unusually tired.Breast Tenderness: Hormones may cause your breasts to become sore and swollen.Frequent Urination: Increased blood flow to the kidneys can result in more frequent trips to the restroom.Emotional ChangesThe first trimester can be an emotional rollercoaster due to fluctuating hormone levels and the excitement or anxiety of impending motherhood. It's normal to feel a mix of joy, worry and mood swings during this time.Second Trimester: Weeks 13-26
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28 August, 2024

Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamins

The Importance of Prenatal and Postnatal Vitamins for Mothers and BabiesPregnancy and the postpartum period are critical times for both mother and baby, requiring extra nutritional support to ensure healthy development and recovery. Prenatal and postnatal vitamins play a vital role in meeting these nutritional needs, supporting both the mother’s wellbeing and the baby’s growth. This blog explores the importance of these vitamins, what they contain and how they benefit mothers and babies.Prenatal Vitamins: Supporting a Healthy PregnancyWhy Prenatal Vitamins are Essential?Prenatal vitamins are specially formulated supplements designed to provide the extra nutrients needed during pregnancy. They help bridge nutritional gaps in a mother's diet, ensuring both her health and the healthy development of the baby.Key Nutrients in Prenatal VitaminsFolic Acid: Crucial for preventing neural tube defects in the developing fetus. It's recommended that women start taking folic acid before conception and continue through pregnancy.Iron: Supports the increased blood volume in the mother and helps deliver oxygen to the baby. It also prevents anemia, which
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28 August, 2024

Preparing for Pregnancy

A Guide for Expectant MothersPreconception Checkups: The First StepBefore you embark on the journey of pregnancy, it's crucial to ensure your body is ready. Scheduling a preconception checkup with your healthcare provider is the first step. During this session, your doctor will go over your medical history, current health status and any medications you may be taking. This checkup is an opportunity to identify and manage any health issues that could affect your pregnancy.Key Tests and ScreeningsYour preconception checkup may include:Blood tests can determine anemia, blood type, and immunity to infections such as rubella and chickenpox.Screening for sexually transmitted infections (STIs).Assessing your vaccination status and updating any necessary vaccines.A discussion on managing chronic conditions such as diabetes or hypertension.Nutrition Tips for Expectant MothersNutrition is extremely important in preparing your body for pregnancy. A well balanced diet contains critical nutrients that promote fetal and mother health.Key NutrientsFolic Acid: Critical for preventing neural tube abnormalities. Aim for at least 400 micrograms per day from fortified meals or supplements.Iron:
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