06 March, 2019

10 must-haves for every mom after delivery

When you’re pregnant, you spend so much time preparing for the birth of your baby that you forget about your own needs. You buy things to make the first days of your little one as comfortable as possible. However, most women forget to think about themselves and their recovery after birth.

The postpartum period is also known as the fourth trimester. During this time, there is a lot of healing, learning and plenty of sleepless nights for both parents and the baby. It can get tiring for a new mom as she has to adjust to this new change in her life and body. The transition can become especially difficult when a new mom isn’t fully prepared for the new challenges.

This is why some of these products can be a savior during this fourth trimester i.e. postpartum period. Here is a list of postpartum essentials that every new mom needs:

1. Pads or sanitary napkins

After giving birth, women experience something known as lochia. This refers to the vaginal bleeding from the uterus lining shedding and it can last anywhere between two to six weeks after delivery. You will need lots of pads or sanitary napkins for this time in order to stay comfortable and avoid leakage or stains. You cannot use tampons so it is important to buy pads from a good brand that will soak up all the bleeding.

2. Good underwear

Although most women hope for a vaginal delivery, sometimes you may have to go for an emergency or elective C-section. After the delivery, you will have incision or stitches which could hurt if you wear a regular underwear. It could affect your incision and cause a lot of discomfort. You may not always know beforehand that you’re going have a C-section but it is better to be prepared. Find a good postpartum underwear or a bigger underwear that can be comfortable for you. They give a safe level of compression to help speed recovery as well.

3. Nipple Cream

Breastfeeding has several benefits for a newborn, as well as for the mother. But it is important to know that it doesn’t come naturally to both mother and baby. It requires a lot of patience as some babies can learn to latch on quickly, while others may find it difficult to do so. Your nipples will be sore at first when you start breastfeeding. Getting a good nipple cream can help you soothe any irritation and also maintain their health. Go for one with lanolin or ask your gynecologist to recommend something for you.

4. Nursing Pads

As a new mom, you will experience what is known as a “let down” when you nurse your baby. This refers to the time when milk is released and becomes available to the baby. Let down can happen in both breasts at the same time and not just the one that the baby is feeding from. This will result in leaky breasts, which is the reason why you will need nursing pads. Some women experience more leak than others and it may happen at night when your baby starts sleeping longer than usual, if you have pressure on your breasts, or even from hearing a baby cry. Find a good brand that will you soak up those leaky nipples.

5. Nursing Bra

As you prepare for delivery, your breasts start getting bigger as your milk starts to come in. It is recommended that you get a good bra that will help you nurse with ease. Check your size as close to your due date as possible and no sooner than 6 weeks before your due date. Make sure the bra that you choose has some extra room for your breasts that will get enlarged when the milk comes in.

6. Stool Softeners

After giving birth vaginally or through a C-section, many women experience constipation. This can cause a lot of discomfort and may also lead to hemorrhoids. Most hospitals will give you a stool softener to avoid this. If you are prone to getting constipated, it is important that you take the stool softener to help you. Ask your doctor about which one to use after you get back home.

7. Prenatal Vitamins

Your body is extremely depleted of a lot of the necessary nutrients after you’ve given birth. If you plan on breastfeeding, it is even more important to ensure that you take your prenatal vitamins as you will be providing nourishment to your baby. Several studies have also shown the importance of continuing your vitamins when you’re breastfeeding. It was shown to increase visual perception, skills processing and brain development on infants. Ask your doctor about which prenatal vitamins to take and for how long.

8. Water Bottle

Just as during pregnancy, it is important to stay hydrated even after you have given birth. Make sure you keep a water bottle within arm’s reach and drink up as often as possible. When you’re breastfeeding, you are at a higher risk of becoming dehydrated so make sure you drink a lot of water at all times.

9. Hand Sanitizer

A new mom is bound to have many visitors who will want to hold your baby. To protect your little one from catching any infection and to be careful, keep a hand sanitizer around at all times. Don’t hesitate to offer the same to visitors so that you can make sure that their hands are clean before they hold your baby.

10. Healthy Diet

New moms are often preoccupied with feeding and caring for their babies. This can lead them to ignore their own nutrition needs. Make sure you eat right and get lots of fiber-rich food to stay healthy when you’re taking care of your little one. Our doctors at KIMS Cuddles can help you with dietary tips after you’ve delivered.

These things can help a new mom adjust comfortably to all the changes that take place after the birth of her baby. If you’re a new mom, make sure you have these products at hand to make your transition from an expecting mom to a new mom even more enjoyable. Apart from these, remember not to hesitate to ask for help from family or friends. You can use as much help as possible. Remember that you may also experience feelings of anxiety or sadness and talking to a therapist can help to a great extent. Our team of expert doctors at KIMS Cuddles are always there listen to you at every stage of your pregnancy.

*Information shared here is for general purpose Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.


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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Homemade Baby Food

The journey of introducing solid foods to infants is a significant milestone, and many parents find solace in preparing homemade baby food. Not only does it allow for a hands-on approach to a child's nutrition, but it also offers cost-effective and nutritious alternatives to commercially available options. In this article, we will explore the benefits of making baby food at home, delve into key nutritional considerations, and provide a variety of recipes to help parents create wholesome meals for their little ones.Benefits of Homemade Baby Food:Making baby food at home comes with a myriad of advantages. This section will discuss the benefits, including control over ingredients, customization based on the baby's needs, and the potential cost savings compared to store-bought options. Emphasizing the joy of actively participating in a child's nutritional journey, it encourages parents to embrace the process of preparing homemade baby food.Getting Started: Essential Tools and Ingredients:To embark on the homemade baby food journey, parents need a basic set of tools and ingredients. This section will outline essential equipment such as blenders or food processors and discuss key ingredients like fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Practical tips on choosing organic produce and preparing homemade baby
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12 January, 2024

Essential Nutrients for Brain Development in Infants

The first few years of life are critical for brain development, laying the foundation for a child's cognitive abilities and future success. Nutrition plays a pivotal role during this period, providing the essential building blocks for the intricate process of brain development. In this article, we will explore the key nutrients crucial for optimal brain development in infants, understanding their roles and the impact of a well-balanced diet on cognitive growth.Omega-3 Fatty Acids:Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are fundamental for brain development. This section will delve into the importance of DHA in building neural connections and supporting overall cognitive function. We'll talk about sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such fatty fish, flaxseeds, and chia seeds, and how to include them in an infant's diet.Iron:For hemoglobin to be produced, iron is essential, which carries oxygen to the brain. This part of the article will explore the relationship between iron and cognitive development, emphasizing the increased need for iron during the first two years of life. Foods rich in iron, both heme and non-heme sources, will be highlighted, along with tips for enhancing iron absorption.Zinc:Zinc is a
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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months

Breastfeeding is a remarkable journey that goes beyond the initial months of a baby's life. While many mothers may choose to introduce complementary foods around six months, continuing to breastfeed beyond this point offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the advantages and considerations of breastfeeding beyond six months, addressing the nutritional, emotional, and developmental aspects of this unique and valuable relationship.The World Health Organization's Recommendations:Before delving into the benefits, it's essential to understand the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). This section will outline the WHO guidelines, which recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding alongside appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.Nutritional Benefits for the Baby:Breast milk is a dynamic and ever-changing source of nutrition. Beyond six months, it continues to provide essential nutrients crucial for the baby's growth and development. This part of the exploration will discuss the nutritional benefits of breast milk, including the ongoing supply of antibodies, vitamins, minerals, and customized nutrients that adapt to the baby's changing needs.Continued Immune System Support:
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