24 April, 2019

10 Physical Activities to Avoid during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of great joy in a woman’s life. It brings about a lot of changes in her emotional and physical state. During this time, an active woman will like nothing better than to continue doing things as normally as possible. However, there are some activities which could prove to be dangerous for both the mom and the little one inside her womb.

If you’re pregnant, stay clear of these activities to enjoy a healthy and happy pregnancy.

Physical Activities to Avoid during Pregnancy

Although exercising and light activities are recommended during pregnancy, there are some activities that are best avoided when you’re expecting. These are some of them.

  1. Heavyweight Training

Women who perform heavyweight training activities should refrain from doing so during pregnancy. Lifting heavy weights can strain your back and pelvis, and can also lead to leaking. It may also cause prolapse where the uterus slips into the vagina. In case you need to lift something heavy, try to hold it closer to your body while bending your knees slowly, and avoid involving the back or twist while lifting. Women who have had a miscarriage in the past must refrain from weight training altogether.

  1. Exercises that require lying on stomach

Lying on the stomach is not advisable at any point during pregnancy. Not only is this position extremely uncomfortable, it has the potential to also injure the baby, especially after the first trimester. Even a small injury can have a big impact on you and your baby. Therefore, if you must, try modifying your exercise or avoid this position altogether. Talk to our doctors to know more about the right exercises for you during pregnancy.

  1. Rides in Amusement Parks

This one is pretty basic and an absolute no during pregnancy. Amusement parks are best avoided when you’re expecting. The rapid, jerky motions of a roller-coaster and other similar rides can harm both you and your baby. It can also cause more nausea and dizziness which can also cause other complications.

  1. Certain Yoga Positions

Although yoga may be beneficial during pregnancy, there are some positions that require a lot of stretching and twisting, and must be avoided altogether. Closed twists, belly down postures, full inversions, and backbends are some positions to avoid. Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for a while, make sure you talk to your doctor before continuing it during pregnancy. You can also attend prenatal yoga classes which help pregnant women carry out yoga positions that are not harmful to them.

  1. Cycling

While some expecting women may continue riding a cycle until their second trimester, it may not be a great idea for other pregnant women who are not used to riding. As the pregnancy progresses, the center of balance shifts, making it difficult to cycle. Riding in crowded roads may also not be as safe. However, riding a stationary bike until the second trimester may be ok for women who want to get some physical activity.

  1. High Impact Aerobics

High impact aerobics can increase the likelihood of falling and injuring joints and ligaments that balance the body. Even seasoned professionals should avoid aerobics during their second and third trimesters. At this time, the ligaments tend to become loose and are more susceptible to injury.

  1. Rigorous Activities

When you’re pregnant, time to take it easy and avoid any rigorous activity. If you want to exercise, restrict it to your home or at a nearby gym. Try only light exercises with the air condition on, to avoid overheating. Make sure that your heart rate is below 140 beats per minute and the temperature below 102 degrees. If you feel exhausted or tired, stop and take plenty of rest. But always remember to ask your doctor before trying any physical activity.

  1. Water-based activities

Avoid any intense water-based activities such as swimming, scuba diving or snorkeling etc. during your pregnancy. When you surface over water, there are chance of air bubbles to form in your bloodstream, putting you and your baby at risk. Activities such as surfing and water-skiing also have an increased risk of falls and injury, and are best avoided during pregnancy. The decompression during scuba diving could also adversely affect your baby.

  1. Sports like Tennis

Women who have been playing tennis regularly can continue playing it through the first trimester of their pregnancy. A woman’s body balance changes from the second trimester on, which greatly increases the risk of a fall or an injury. Hence, such sports should be avoided during pregnancy.

  1. Running and Jogging

Running and jogging may be good for you if you have been in the habit. But it might not be a good idea to start a fresh running or jogging routine during your pregnancy. It is always better to walk than run or jog, as you may not lose control over your speed and have lesser chances of injury.

It is important to be physically active during pregnancy as it prevents complications and ensures that your body is ready for labor. However, a pregnant woman should take proper precautions while performing any physical activity. She needs to be careful in her movements, especially after the first trimester. Consult your doctor before you start any exercise or physical activity. Our expert team at KIMS Cuddles will help you with prenatal exercise routine to ensure you have a healthy pregnancy.

*Information shared here is for general purpose. Please take doctors’ advice before taking any decision.


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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Homemade Baby Food

The journey of introducing solid foods to infants is a significant milestone, and many parents find solace in preparing homemade baby food. Not only does it allow for a hands-on approach to a child's nutrition, but it also offers cost-effective and nutritious alternatives to commercially available options. In this article, we will explore the benefits of making baby food at home, delve into key nutritional considerations, and provide a variety of recipes to help parents create wholesome meals for their little ones.Benefits of Homemade Baby Food:Making baby food at home comes with a myriad of advantages. This section will discuss the benefits, including control over ingredients, customization based on the baby's needs, and the potential cost savings compared to store-bought options. Emphasizing the joy of actively participating in a child's nutritional journey, it encourages parents to embrace the process of preparing homemade baby food.Getting Started: Essential Tools and Ingredients:To embark on the homemade baby food journey, parents need a basic set of tools and ingredients. This section will outline essential equipment such as blenders or food processors and discuss key ingredients like fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins. Practical tips on choosing organic produce and preparing homemade baby
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12 January, 2024

Essential Nutrients for Brain Development in Infants

The first few years of life are critical for brain development, laying the foundation for a child's cognitive abilities and future success. Nutrition plays a pivotal role during this period, providing the essential building blocks for the intricate process of brain development. In this article, we will explore the key nutrients crucial for optimal brain development in infants, understanding their roles and the impact of a well-balanced diet on cognitive growth.Omega-3 Fatty Acids:Omega-3 fatty acids, particularly docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are fundamental for brain development. This section will delve into the importance of DHA in building neural connections and supporting overall cognitive function. We'll talk about sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such fatty fish, flaxseeds, and chia seeds, and how to include them in an infant's diet.Iron:For hemoglobin to be produced, iron is essential, which carries oxygen to the brain. This part of the article will explore the relationship between iron and cognitive development, emphasizing the increased need for iron during the first two years of life. Foods rich in iron, both heme and non-heme sources, will be highlighted, along with tips for enhancing iron absorption.Zinc:Zinc is a
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12 January, 2024

Benefits of Breastfeeding Beyond 6 Months

Breastfeeding is a remarkable journey that goes beyond the initial months of a baby's life. While many mothers may choose to introduce complementary foods around six months, continuing to breastfeed beyond this point offers numerous benefits for both the baby and the mother. In this comprehensive exploration, we will delve into the advantages and considerations of breastfeeding beyond six months, addressing the nutritional, emotional, and developmental aspects of this unique and valuable relationship.The World Health Organization's Recommendations:Before delving into the benefits, it's essential to understand the recommendations provided by the World Health Organization (WHO). This section will outline the WHO guidelines, which recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding alongside appropriate complementary foods for up to two years or beyond.Nutritional Benefits for the Baby:Breast milk is a dynamic and ever-changing source of nutrition. Beyond six months, it continues to provide essential nutrients crucial for the baby's growth and development. This part of the exploration will discuss the nutritional benefits of breast milk, including the ongoing supply of antibodies, vitamins, minerals, and customized nutrients that adapt to the baby's changing needs.Continued Immune System Support:
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